
December 29, 2010.

It will always be a special day. Special evening.
you were an emotional pack right from the first day.

2 years later, you are telling me your dreams.

For a baby who didn't see much of her Dad, you ask about him more than your sister.

You are a serious little girl. You care for detail.
Its hard to describe you in one word.

Actually, it gets kinda hard to describe you at all.
And am your mother.
You call me Mummy.

You call out for me, in the middle of a nightmare.
You cry when i disappear when you know am supposed to be home.
You comb my hair when i least expect it.
You, Love me back in the best way you know how.

You share your food with me, whenever you have.
You have taught your sister how to share.

Did I mention that you were fully coherent before you made 18 months!
Azzaria, your father calls you.
I call you Lexi.

Well, Lexi, this journey that we are on, is gonna be a great one.
I can't promise you much, but I can promise to love you always.

Whatever you do, wherever you are, I will love you.

You will always be my Little Lexi.

Luiga Lexi Azzaria N.


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