( Tone: loving, closely holding your hands and looking into your eyes) Am one woman who treasures relationships, reason, coz the power of love is one strong force amongst many that keeps my world spinning. Anyway, I always insist that a river can’t rise beyond its source just like we can’t change our past. Life is hard, and only the resilient ones survive. Precisely, that’s why am writing you this note, after a well thought out recap of our lives. (Takes an exasperated breath, then winks passionately) The sky is blue, looks so spectacular. The birds are so free; gracefully doing what they do best while am seated underneath planning my next move. Something tickles my toe, and the image of your smile, somewhat prepared to draw closer and give a deep breathtaking kiss, flashes along my memory line. I think of you, your daily encounters, and for sure there are countless things we took for granted. (Looking and sounding serious, as if engrossed in deep thought ) Did you ever ask yourself, “...
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