New Heights

This one line keeps me hitting replay ; "Am on the Shit that you can smell baby- so put down your perfume"

This is the last night of normal, of certainty. A new chapter begins tomorrow. 
In the silence of this night the realization stings....Drat!! This had to happen now. 

Its been normal happening for me to think about this one person.
Remind myself all the hurtful things that went down
Hurt myself over and over again.

Pain and hurt has been normal.

This night, I've been trying so hard to remember when I last thought about him and I can't.
am trying to hurt at the fact that he got engaged to his new girlfriend, and I can't!

My friends and relatives think am covering up, but inside my heart, there is a joy.
A joy that I can't really define. 

could it be that "Peace that knows no understanding" has finally found its way to my soul?
Could it be that I finally got over him.

Hahahahaa, well, I remember a post i wrote about him breaking my heart. Oh, how I cried.
I prayed and fasted and prayed.

all this time God had some thing else planned for me.
A peace that knows no understanding.
A peace that knows no understanding

alright, enough rambling.

this night, tonight, I certify myself ready to move on to the next stage.
My thoughts are populated by variations of one person.
conversations we will have, Conversations we have had
Plans we've made.
Oh, how I long for that.

Am on the shit that you can smell baby, am on a roll- am high on you.

this new you. this new person. and wait, you didnt replace anyone, there was no one.
Knowing you has taught me so much about myself.

I am hitting new heights, heights i never dreamt of. Things I'd only imagined before
have become second nature to me. I do all so freely and easily.

I am a woman in love. 
And I can do all.

Thank you for helping me free my spirit.


Yours in appreciation,



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