Day 2: April 13, 2013- Not an easy one

Outside my window... Children playing in the sand- Its a weekend. No school.. yay.. lots of beautiful sounds- Children laughing. Nostalgia that comes with these days... ;(
I am thinking.... about letting go. sliding into comfortable old lifestyle. Thinking of waking up from the dream. Its been a long one this one. 
I am thankful... Last night, I slept well. Very well.
In the kitchen.... Saturday... Junk food
I am wearing...this little dress that my government is seeking to ban. I love me small clothes. Show off leg!
I am creating.... a shawl. feels good to have something to do with my hands other than watching the phone waiting for a text or a call.
I am going...House party... yay!!! guilt trips- will check in tomorrow.
I am wondering... actually am not wondering anymore- i know for real. 
I am reading...yes....between yesterday and today- I opened a book. Jeffery Archer- Shall we tell the President!
I am hoping.... Micah gets his locomotion in order
I am looking forward to.... sunday morning
I am learning..... Not all that glitters is gold. Also counting in Arabic.. Wahid, Ithnein, Thalatha... :-)
Around the house.... new flower garden started today
I am pondering..... what does tht word mean again
A favorite quote for today..... John 3:16: "for God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son..."
One of my favorite things...My new flower and vegetable garden
A few plans for the rest of the week: Its the weekend for me... Maybe I shouldn't think about this.
A peek into my day...



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