I've been thinking about you.

Hey Scrumptious,

So, I've been thinking alot about you. Yes you.

I know I said my goodbyes and all. I promised myself, promised my friends it was over.

But then again, this is me. I can lie to the rest of the world, but I can't lie to my heart.

I can't lie to you. I miss you in a way I didn't know was even possible. 

The guy who penned the lines "Never knew lonely could tear your heart in two"
could have must have known I'd at some point feel that way.

How I wish I could hear your voice, just one last time. 

I wish I could feel your breath at the back of my neck just one last time.
Just once. Let me love you, just one more time.

I wonder, if you i've been thinking about you

And I wonder, if he knows I can feel him
And I wonder, in my dreams when am ...oh boy!!

I sit outside at night after the whole world has gone to sleep 

and I look at the stars shining brightly up there.
A thought-the same thought always crosses my mind
Is he seeing these stars?
Do you find time to sit out and star gaze?

Have you moved on already? I wish on those stars many a night,

I whisper to them to shine brightly in your paths.
I pray that when you close your eyes, your dreams and hopes come bright.
I wish on those stars every night.
I spell your name across the skies every evening.

Late in the night, if my phone rings, I hope its you calling.

I check every text message that comes in anticipating, hoping its from you.

I still miss you Scrumptious. 

I will never see you, or speak with you again- that I feel in my bones.
But I will cherish the memory of you.
I will hold memoires of our short lived times so dear, nothing will ever replace them.

You set the bar so high, i doubt anyone will be able to go higher than that.

I pray you are well.




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