Day 3- April 14

Sunday Evening: Third entry of my Day Book.
April 14, 2013
Outside my window: the Clouds are gathering. Looks like we'll have some rain tonight. Its been a lovely SUN day though. Totally enjoyed it, though I missed church.

Am Thinking: Maybe I should just close this whole crushing project down. For a number of months now, I've not been able to think about any other man but this one guy. Crazy huh? He's miles away and I have a crush on him bigger than anything i've ever experienced before. Last night and the whole of today got me thinking- and asking meself: is it real? am i giving it more attention than i should?

I am Thankful: That I have Sundays off. Working on Sunday was not a bad thing, but the smiles on my babies' faces at breakfast were...worth killing for. We missed church but we had fun and lots of love shared.

In the Kitchen: Save for a pitcher of juice and milk... am out of supplies. yeah.. I know, right.

I am wearing: a jean wrapper dress that makes me happy.

I am creating: Memories for the little ones. AM sure they'll treasure these.

Iam Going: to work tomorrow. Its monday, 3 a.m!! Gotta pay the bills!

I am Wondering: Should I be moving? If so, how do i present it? am i selfish? Single motherhood does not mean that i dont get to go to the movies? Alright, am still wondering, have my wings grown too wide.

I am hoping: May will be the month i go solo yet again. Been at my aunt's for almost 3 years now!! Time should be up. AM grateful. I hope i find a way of saying it without sounding mean or whatever.

I am looking forward to: Monday lunch. Its gonna be a blast. of that am sure.

I am learning: Parenting is an instinct. Not every one can be a Mom or Dad. Its special.

Around the House: hmmmm, Fresh air. Fresh flowers.

Favorite Quote for today: Peace that surpasses all understanding be with you.... (That will be my hope for the week. To find that peace)

One of my favorite things: Sunday movie with the whole crew.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Master my daily routines. Need a more organized house when i finally go back to running my own house.

A peek into my world:
Blogging with the girls.


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