
yes, we have two new teeth. Two little pearly items gracing the previously bare pink gum.
Pretty lovely sight.

Years ago, I used to tell myself that I would be happy in the future.
Kept tellling myself that the best was yet to come.

That tomorrow would be the best day of my life.
Little did i know that i kept pushing my happiness to the next day
yet Tomorrow was already here.
I kept disregarding my self.

But you, Little Child, Micah Adam have taught me that my happy ending is now.
My Happily ever after is here already.

I have a boy child and my prayers have been answered.
He's handsome to boot, has a smile for everyone.

Even hold conversations.. oh yeah, i can hear your ooohs and aaahs even when am stuck in the mother of all
traffic jams.
Having you makes even the dentist's chair bearable.

Thank you Son. Thank you for reminding me that my future is now. My future is here.
Thank you for teaching me love.
Thank you for giving me love that I never thought existed.

This feeling I have every evening when I come home is unlike any other.
The Feeling that feels my whole being when I look at you with your sisters is unlike something I've ever experienced before.

You my little ones are my redemption.

Now, let's go buy you a real toothbrush.
Yes sir, you are getting yourself a Toothbrush...

Loving this. Gotta love this.


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