April 20, 2013: Saturday Night Lights

Outside my window: Beautiful. Its raining and the sun is shining!! :) all at the same time. Wow.. God is great!!  Wish I had a good camera.. awwwwwwwww, very nice.
I am thinking: He's the lighting am thunder... yeah ok, been listening to Kelly Rowland's 'Train on a track' and I just can't stop it playing over and over again in my little brain.This brain of mine with a very low retention whatever. Anyways, am thinking about thinking.
In the Kitchen: yeah, lots of things. I hear am on cook duty tomorrow. Ouch!!! A promise I'll have to break. Gotta go to work. Yes Sir, am back to working Sundays.. Hmm! my Sunday breakfast with the lovelies have come to an end. :(

I am Thankful: for the Rain. For this week that is coming to a close. Yes, for my friends. and oh yeah .. hahahaha.. Aunt Flow!!! YAY- Don't ask. :-)

I am creating: Routines. Workable routines.

I am going: to work tomorrow.

I am hoping: She didn't take my charger with her. Would be terrible if we argued over her forgetting it at her aunt's place.

I am learning to count my blessings. Name them one by one.

A few plans for the rest of the weekend:
1. Menu plans for two weeks ahead. This weeks menu did me a lot of wonders!! I know, everyone talks about planning before and etc but boy, is it a life/time saver or what? Forever grateful.
2. Smile more.
3. GET OFF FACEBOOK at least for a week.

A peek into my day: My camera is dead-like i had one in the first place.

Until tomorrow..
Good day- Daybook


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