Sunday morning
I'll tell you what Sunday morning wasn't when I was but a little girl.
It wasn't a work day. Nah, we didn't have to do anything save for bathe, eat, sleep, eat again and sleep. Sometimes, even playing was a no go.
We used to go to church sometimes. Rare as they were, church going Sundays were my favorite day of the week. Not because I loved God that much (I do now) but because I got to show off my memory antics. And I could read better than those snob looking so called smartly dressed kids. It was my time to shine. I didn't have shoes on my feet I wore the same blue and white dress each time but I could read the Bible in whichever language it was presented. And I could memorize entire psalms.
Then I had to go and just grow up. For some reason I'll never understand, my cute blue dress didn't fit no more. I was not a cute Psalm spitting 7 year old anymore, and I had to be carted off to a boarding school somewhere. That was the end of my fantasy life. My tree climbing, prank pulling marvelously awesome days were gone. Just like that. And i didnt like it.
Now i got shoes, and i hated these shoes, so i burnt them, threw them away but theu kept coming!! I tried to fail the tests, but somehow i aced them. I didnt want to but i did.
Then I learnt other ways of getting back at these never ending changes. Let's just say, I had fun playing tricks on pupils, teachers and matrons alike.
But when Mummy passed on, now I had to grow up. really grow up. I'd never met my father- and i didnt want to. I wss 10 years old, and I had to grow up.
This time I could not resist.
We used to go to church sometimes. Rare as they were, church going Sundays were my favorite day of the week. Not because I loved God that much (I do now) but because I got to show off my memory antics. And I could read better than those snob looking so called smartly dressed kids. It was my time to shine. I didn't have shoes on my feet I wore the same blue and white dress each time but I could read the Bible in whichever language it was presented. And I could memorize entire psalms.
Then I had to go and just grow up. For some reason I'll never understand, my cute blue dress didn't fit no more. I was not a cute Psalm spitting 7 year old anymore, and I had to be carted off to a boarding school somewhere. That was the end of my fantasy life. My tree climbing, prank pulling marvelously awesome days were gone. Just like that. And i didnt like it.
Now i got shoes, and i hated these shoes, so i burnt them, threw them away but theu kept coming!! I tried to fail the tests, but somehow i aced them. I didnt want to but i did.
Then I learnt other ways of getting back at these never ending changes. Let's just say, I had fun playing tricks on pupils, teachers and matrons alike.
But when Mummy passed on, now I had to grow up. really grow up. I'd never met my father- and i didnt want to. I wss 10 years old, and I had to grow up.
This time I could not resist.
I had to grow. I had three sisters and a grandmother. Though I hardly understood why people were crying-
Let's say, I didnt understand this whole death thing...
So I grew up, Lost a few more loved ones, and became a parent.
And Sunday turned into taking care of others, making sure they have breakfast, and have their shining church moments.
Am still a parent and now, Sunday morning is a regular working day.
Gotta wake up early. Gotta look at all the sad pictures at the Newstand.
and oh boy!
sometimes, it sucks being an adult.
Sometimes I miss sleeping in (Pre-parenting days)
Other times, I dont even remember what it was like before Parenting kicked in.
Today, am a happy parent.
Thank you for reading my post!!
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