Day 1- April 12, 2013

Outside my window... Sun is finally shining. :-)
I am thinking...Not clear thought that I can put on paper. Everything is just mambo jumbo
I am thankful...I woke up today. My family has food on their plates and every one is warm, well and healthy
In the kitchen...Staple Rice, lots of fruit- (glad there is fruit)- need to pick up some yogurt
I am wearing...Jeans and my favorite silver grey blouse. (that one my sister gave me for Christmas 2012)
I am creating...New memories
I am going...came to work this morning, and am going home after this.
I am i one of many? 
I am reading...Haven't opened a book yet. Keep meaning to
I am hoping...Next week will be a better week
I am looking forward to...Making dinner tonight. Hope i can surprise myself yet again
I am learning..... Love is as simple as simple is. Being loved back is the best feeling in the world
Around the house...Nothing much to show
I am pondering...
A favorite quote for today.. If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?
One of my favorite things...My phone
A few plans for the rest of the week: Friday Night, Catch up on the remaining episodes of NCIS season 10,
Saturday, iron, clear hotspots, sort through clothes for donations (am sure i'll find some more to give out.) Sunday- big day- go to church. Been waiting for quite a while.- aaaah am on cook duty too.
A peek into my day...

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