She called me MAMA

At two years, three months and twent nine days Lexi called me Mama.
don't get me wrong, she's not speech handicapped. She's been adressing me as Mummy since I can remember when. But she'd never called me Mama. I've been mummy to her because everyone around her addresses me as such. Last night, she had a nightmare, and she came to my bed, woke me up crying, all the time calling me Mama.
my heart flipped. The emotions that run through me were unspeakable.
My girl called me mama. Azzie called me mama.
And that, just that one word keeps me going. No one will make me let go of that. The midnight hugs, the smiles, i'd kill for them.
This is my life's purpose. I've found my life's purpose. I was created to be Mummy. Their mother, MA, Mom, mommy-MAMA.
Love my kids
Village Girl
(Mother, Friend, Neighbor)


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