Sunset does not mean it is the end of a day.....

....... it does mean the beginning of a brand new day.

I used to be scared of the night. Darkness terrified me.
I hated going home in the evenings.
Evening generally brought about a sadness that I couldn't shake.
Going home after school, even after work meant prison.
Sunset meant prison for me.
Home was a prison

That was then....

I've learnt or still learning that the end of something does not necessarily signify the end of my happiness.
When something ends, I have another chance to find something better, or try out something totally different.

I have learnt to embrace change. I have learnt to love the dark.
I have learnt to love me.

I look forward to evenings at home, I hardly remember what it was like out there.
True it must have been fun, it was fun otherwise i couldn't have stayed out long but evenings at home
are the best part of my day.

Just the other day, a friend called me during work hours and she called me again after hours-
And she went like, you sound happier at home than you did during the day.

That's when it dawned on me that I'd actually matured enough not to complain but rather enjoy every little moment i spend with my family.
Yeah, i get home, make dinner, bathe the kids and basically give the househelp hours off. Much needed hours off. I dont seem to mind the fact that the house is a mess when i get home, My other housemates mind.
I've been prodded to do something about this 'lazy househelp'
I see nothing wrong with making a meal for my people.
Or cleaning up,
Or bathing the children
Seriously, my home time is the best time of the day.

Now, I have one prayer. I need to save up enough to get my own private space.
Its about time I got my place. 2 years at my aunt's place seem to be enough already.
I've had enough healing time.

The Sun set.
A new day is here. I gotta let it start with all its possibilities.
A new love, new life.

New beginnings, here I come.



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