Mumble Jumble

So I learnt a new word today.. Soliloquy

a noun defined as "an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play."

Away from new words and all, I learnt something new last night (aren't we always?) Well, I learnt that parenting is not so much about the your account balance but rather how much heart balance you have.
Wait, before you tell me about the diapers and medical, school and all those other bills, hear me out.

Parenting weighs more on the soul than it does on the wallet. You know that moment when you hear about the loss of the neighbor's thirteen year old daughter. That moment when you go through a list of apparent lumpens who should have been the ones to die instead (forgive me) but I don't have kind words for That Guy who molested and murdered a 7 year old child and is still roaming the village neighborhood. Atti released on police bond!!!

So, Last night was one of those nights where I found myself huddled in a corner sobbing my heart out. For no particular reason but then again for every reason. This world can be cruel sometimes.

I am no expert on the whole Gaza, Hamas trauma but it seems so unfair for the innocent lives that are lost all in the name of Holy war. I mean what is holy about using Humans as shields!! Since this is so called Holy land, can't they fabricate those metallic shields that the likes of David, Goliath and all their cronies used during wars? Can't they just clear a field and sort it out once and for all... However, the Israeli army has my support on this. It's rather cool to be called by someone to warn you that your apartment is targeted by the 'enemy'. I don't know who is the enemy here. But yeah.

You are probably reading this (i.e. if you've gotten this far) and are thinking, why is this all jumbled up? My dear friend, my mind right now is running in over drive. Any parent (#eye-roll- off with the parenting now!)
But yes, any parent would be at wits' end when they have a brood full of un-well little ones. Picture this, you get home one evening, find one of them seriously ill and you deal with it. Morning comes around and all seems well. So, you set off for your daily money hunt and just as you are about to say yes to a dinner date, the phone rings... Caller ID- Housemate!!! Before you pick up the phone you think about all the things that could have gone wrong but pick up anyway, thinking to yourself that maybe they want to tell you about this exciting recipe they are trying out for dinner tonight.

Well, it's not a recipe but information about how they are taking Child No. Next to the hospital as it is not well!!!! YESSUH!!! sucks, right? Right. It does suck. Things are not made any easier with the fact that it is Mid-month.. (can i hear an amen?) and Mid Week and you have been taken more leaves of absence in the last fifteen days than anyone on your team... #sigh

Then a thought crosses my mind, all I have are un-well children. How about my neighbor who buried her child yesterday? Wouldn't she do anything just to hold her little one for another minute- ill or not. Rowdy or not? 
So, no, I will not complain. in my soliloquy this one (yes, I used that big word!) I will count my blessings. 
  1. I am not in Gaza... I just live down the road.
  2. I am alive and my ones are still alive. 
And whoever is out there going through one phase or another, take time off to count your blessings. Things could be worse than they are but they are not. You have what you have. Accept what you have, live through it and tell the story to another person. Your experience could save a life someday or encourage another to go through a similar situation.

Someone once told me that life is not long enough for us to learn from our experiences. Sometimes, we learn from other people's experience.
Let us all take a minute to appreciate our bosses who literally give us 'hell' at least you have something coming in for all that hell you are served. 

Appreciate your neighbor. The one upstairs who decides to pour soup water off their balcony at 11 p.m when you are sitting at yours prolly dreaming up fantasies with the full moon. At-least you don't live alone and if push came to shove, maybe that upstairs neighbor would give you a lift on a rainy day.

Appreciate that shop keeper who looks at you and decides you will not afford whatever items they have on display. Has anyone watched Pretty Woman
Remember the time Vivian (Julia) went shopping and the ladies literally shooed he? 

Well, walk to the next shop buy what you need and move on. Life is too short to come back and give them that "Big Mistake" notice.

And on and on.. point i am trying to make here is, Appreciate what you have in life. Where you are right now and Who you are. There can never be another you, there will never be another today and there will never be another terrible relationship like the one you are in right now (for all my sisters/brothers who complain about their spouses).. What you have now is what you have. Make the best of it.

Finally, Ella asked me a question about how a girl would have multiple sexual partners. I know, it is still a risky topic that usually ends with the girl being called all names my great grand father would shy away from but I will try to answer it someday. One of these days, I will.

Village Girl


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