"You were made for comfort"

Grown to look forward to my Saturday evenings.
They've become the best nights of my weeks.

Better than any cozy lit restaurants or scented baths
Better than a lot of things.

Alright, so last night was epic. It was awesomeness redefined.
Don't get me wrong, but I gotta say this.

Alright, this is what happened.
I met a boy, years ago. He sounded like midnight silk on the phone,
He wrote and spoke well. He sounded perfect.

Great Kiss he turned out to be too.

Imma take you through this Saturday night lights episodes, one at a time.
Last night, was epic.

I may not know what it feels like to be in love with someone.
But I know what it is like to want someone so bad you can't breath.

I know what it feels like having that someone look at you with a need in their eyes
A need so deep you can't blink for the fear of missing out

Being with someone when the vibe is so strong, it could move mountains.
Breathing in sync with this person.

I mean, who knew that I still had it in me to blush.

'You were made for comfort'-
that statement plays on in my head.

Last night, was simply great.


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