The Plight of my Confused friend.

"He's supposed to have moved on. Hell, he did move on. He has a 6 day old baby girl.He walked out and said he was done.Welcomed me to pray if i wanted to but he was never coming back to me."

He'd found his happily ever after and in his words "I plan on enjoying every second of it'.

Then someone help me understand, why he's leaving her voice messages.
Why he is asking her out to dates-
They've been to a coffee date, a car park date(we all know how cosy and romantic 3 hour car park dates can be)
They are slated to go for a movie date sometime this week.

He's telling her how he'll never find another like her.
The 3 hour car park date had him talk about the first time he knew he was in love with her.

He described her attire that day-not very striking (same attire the author is doning today-well different colors)
She was seeing another guy back there but he was in love with her and we all know how far a man in love will go.
He told her he wanted her to be the mother of his children.
Years later, they have three children. Three lovely children.
But then he has another baby with another woman-

He confessed to openly comparing his current woman to her.
Told her, the only fight he'd had with his current lady was her telling him she'd never be his first wife.

He told her, he sees her in his dreams while lying next to the new woman.
He feels she does not deserve what she's going through.
He was in the labor ward with the new lady and all he could think about was the three times he abandoned her when she was having their three children.

Sad, right. Very sad.
But then, its not that this woman-Mother of 3 is a drop dead beauty.
she's not that intelligent or well educated. She does not come from an educated rich background.

She's just there. But then she prayed.
And this here is a manifestation of her prayers being answered.
Everyday that he hurt her, she prayed for God to touch his heart with love.
She prayed for God's grace to see her through the next evening with a smile.

His family told her to let the guy go, because he was fed up of her, but on she clung.
Let's say, he is the father of her children. That's a forever bond.
Her family told her to forget about him and move on.
Her friends told her to concentrate on making money for her children.

She listened to them all.
Went to work, and she covers 100% of the children's welfare.
But still she prayed for this man to love her.

And, she's in love with another man. -yes she finally let him go.
She's in love with another man. A man who confessed to loving her back.
And The father of her children is also confessing his never will die love for her.

He knows about the new man in her life.
He does not want her to break up with him.
but he maintains, he's not happy where he is.
His heart lies in her hands- in her smile, in her capability to handle difficult situations with less to average
resources and still manage to smile.
His heart lies with her capability to have her children maintain a healthy status all year through, without any help from him.

As i write, my heart goes out to her.
She's wondering why Baby Papa is confessing his love and being so nice to her.
Reminiscing and fantasizing a would have been future with her.
Why he just does not stay where he is.

She was fine, without him. she'd learnt to re-love herself enough for the whole world.
she was smiling from her heart, and not just with her teeth.

alright, so, anyone out there.
What does this guy want? Is it a ploy to keep her glued to unhappiness?
Is he sorry? If he asked, should she say yes?

and the Man she's in love with?
What happens now?

Next time, I'll give you a brief background into the Man she's love with right now, and how far they came.

You see she has a six year history with both men. One is the father of her children and the other is the Man who keeps around and is nice..

More next time.

for now, she's confused.


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