Back to normal Programming

so, its been a crazy heart wrenching week.
Was visiting with my pretty little sad confused friend, Pretty Smile, Remember her?
Hope not. Her life is one big tough ugly blob of drama.

But, things are looking up. Not for her though. I wont delve into that, because i could write for years about her plight and the cows could go visiting foreign lands and come back when am still writing about her.

Though, I'll wrap it up, she's let both men out of her life. the father of her babies -yeah. and SNL too.
its obvious she cares more about the baby papa but he does not care what she goes through as long as he gets his ego massaged.

alright, so, today, the Sun is shining. In my country- this lovely lovely rightly named Pearl of Africa, things are happening.

There is a new STD in town called Big Brother Africa:The Chase and there is a Ugandan Brother you can save by voting him to stay : Here

Am not a Big Brother Fan myself, Hell, i dont even own a tv set in my house. All I hear and know about BBA is randomly picked up from public transport areas.

alright, for now, lemme think about what I can write about.


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