..Take my hand

"Mummy, let me hold your hand so that you don't fall"

My three year old son was my pillar of support this morning as we made our way via a very rugged path to their day care center. I was rendered speechless by his offer and just had to take his little hand until he was sure we were on steady ground and that is when he let go. 
Today, I had on a pair of heels that was a little higher than normal and given the terrain we were traversing my ankle was getting a raw deal. 

All through my day today I kept going back to that one offer. It is a simple thing or so it seems to be a simple thing but think about it.
How many times have you needed a hand? Maybe to help you up or down or ahead. 
Of the times you have needed a hand, how many hands have been stretched out to you?

Better yet, how many times have you stretched your hand out to another? When you stretch your hand out, do you do it to your known associates or does humanity as a whole benefit from your stretched hand? When you do, do you remember the previous times you have held someone else's hand or is every time a new time with no record of last time?

Once upon a time, I was on the verge of being thrown out by somebody I thought I loved. Their reason was simple, I help too much. See, when there is need in front of me- someone else's need, I don't think about what I am doing until I have done it. I barely think about the cold that will bite into my flesh before I undress to give out my jacket to a poorly dressed street youth.
I don't think about the miles I will have to walk when I pull my last shilling out of my purse when someone begs for it. Neither do I think about the long hours ahead of my night through surgeries. I simply stretch out.

My friends and acquaintances have often times asked me why I run charity projects when I am the perfect charity project and I have no reason why beyond the mere fact that I have a hand that I can stretch out. It does not make sense not even to me sometimes but my heart sings whenever someone smiles because of something I did. I will sleep better knowing someone else has a few more years with their baby boy because of the time I gave them. 

And no, I do not have money to give anybody but I have time. I do not know who coined the phrase that "Time is money" (do you know?) but it seems to work perfectly well. The time I put in begging on behalf of someone else usually pays off.....

Before I lose myself all I want to say is always give. Do not give because you want to be counted as a giver but give because 
1. You have been given freely (no one has ever paid an application fee to be on earth)
2. Happy is to share and happy is to bear one the other's burden

And also because I need a new phone. So, can someone kindly donate a mobile handset to me. Someone make me a charity project because at this very instant, I am a charity project.

Life is playing dirty to me and I need a phone so badly it's painful and no I can't afford the phone I want. Yes- Want. I want an LG4 or LG3. My creditors might think I run away with their money- Lord no! I didn't. I am not hiding just yet- but I need a phone. A real phone this time. 
Can you please stretch your hand out to me with a mobile phone contribution in in.


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