
"Can you imagine what Maureen is wearing today?"
"Maureen is so annoying!"

Maureen this, Maureen that, Maureen there!
Lord! when does this all stop?

"Life is the best teacher there can ever be"- I always doubted that when my Lifetime Friend mentioned it some years ago but now.... Now I know.

I know that Life has her lesson plans panned out all through one's lifespan and she will ensure that every student gets to learn their portion before she sends them to the next world.
I also know that not everyone is a nice person-regardless of how bright their smiles and "awws" are- They simply aren't nice at all. They will plan your exit one minute and kiss you a second after they've implemented their plan.

Take for instance this one time random night when I was tossing in my bed- totally sleepless and bored. My phone rang and the caller ID got me grinning but what the caller talked about about was not grin-worthy.

Here goes:
Ring Ring
(Maureen slides green icon on her phone towards the red one)

Caller: Hi Momo
Momo: Hi yourself
Caller: You are supposed to be in my bed right now.
Momo: That pick up line just threw me farther from your bed. Let's try another line and maybe, Just maybe I could be at your dinner table or maybe the couch if you have one.
Caller: Well, I went to pick up a book from the Library and the Librarian asked me how you were doing since she hadn't seen you all morning. She went ahead to enlighten me about our budding romance and how we are either married or lovers from another lifetime!
Momo: Ooookaaaaay

And that leaves me wondering inf my colleagues' lives are that boring they have to find pleasure and entertainment from discussing other humans. Can't they read a book or pick at their nails or squish a pimple or re-apply their wrong powders and foundation creams? Or can't they atleast concentrate on picking out the right foundation for their skin colors!!!

And I just joined them! see? I talked about my colleagues! and another life lesson has been executed-
If you can't beat them, join them



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