..Take my hand
"Mummy, let me hold your hand so that you don't fall" My three year old son was my pillar of support this morning as we made our way via a very rugged path to their day care center. I was rendered speechless by his offer and just had to take his little hand until he was sure we were on steady ground and that is when he let go. Today, I had on a pair of heels that was a little higher than normal and given the terrain we were traversing my ankle was getting a raw deal. All through my day today I kept going back to that one offer. It is a simple thing or so it seems to be a simple thing but think about it. How many times have you needed a hand? Maybe to help you up or down or ahead. Of the times you have needed a hand, how many hands have been stretched out to you? Better yet, how many times have you stretched your hand out to another? When you stretch your hand out, do you do it to your known associates or does humanity as a whole benefit from your str...