Dancing competitions, Saxfaction and great company

The evening of July 3, 2014 is one  I will not forget anytime soon.

I stood up in a crowd and danced to Ssemusajja it was actually laughable. The whole experience was laughable. Wait, i am working on something serious at an internet cafe, needed to send it yesterday at 6p.m but my phone blacked out at such an inconvenient time, had left my charger at my place of work and I was also in an environment where no one had a charger to lend or even an open socket where I would charge if I had somehow managed to find a charger.

Times like these make me miss my laptop. One of these days, I should close my eyes and just replace the damn thing. I need it more now than I ever needed it before. I wish this money knew just how much I need it. Maybe then it would avail itself with ease.

So, I was telling you about last night. The Sound Cup - honestly, I've been to Tutti Frutti before (the ice-cream is cheaper at the Fruitti place as opposed to The Sound Cup) naye I had never ventured to Maurice Kirya's place. Until last night. Last night was my maiden visit to The Place.

Months ago, i stumbled upon a radio station that was playing a jazz rendition of a folk song. It is a marvelous re-do. The dance inducing drums at the end of the piece send me to heaven and back every time i listen to this Ssemusajja track. Even my 20 month old son now identifies it to dancing time.

There are other songs on this 12 track album. My other favorites are Kampala and Groovers' anthem. Beautiful music I must say.

What started out as a joke got serious, when the people I had invited called me earlier on in the day asking me what time i would be at the venue. Then was not the time to back out. (Lord knows how much of a quitter I am). Much as there was a terror attack alert circulating, I dared to go out and have fun. And i am glad I did. Came home with an autographed CD-.. Michael Kitanda is going places this guy.

Another guy that was at this event last night was Charmant (its pronounced differently with throat sounds-but I can only speak my language). This guy is good. Check out his African Love Project. He does extremely well with his Guitar. My Date last night tried explaining to me the difference between all these guitars- bass guitars, acoustic, electric and am not sure I remember the others. But I remember my date. They were exceptional company. Thank you very much Sir. However Mr. Mushaga is good. Listen to this one with Myko Ouma it is nice.

Wait, all i am saying or trying to say is support African Talent. These guys have lots of potential.

The problem with internet cafes though, is that time somehow runs fast. I have reloaded and reloaded and now am so hungry. A mixture of hangover and real hunger- That story for being hangover is not one I would like to tell right now. But yes, I am hangover. 3 minutes and I gotta run. When I figure out how to re-enable the phone keyboard-my phone is writing Chinese things and i am not sure i want to figure out how to change it right now. Short of just re-setting the damn thing to factory settings- I am at wits' end.

Enjoy these guys' music.

Village Girl.


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