Are You The Right Person?

Many a time we set standards in almost all areas of our lives. Standard Setting is very advisable.
Standard setting is the methodology used to define levels of achievement or proficiency and the cut-scores corresponding to those levels. A cut-score is simply the score that serves to classify the candidates whose score is below the cut-score into one level and the candidates whose score is at or above the cut-score into the next and higher level. Clearly, unless the cut-scores are appropriately set, the results of the assessment could come into question. For that reason, standard setting is a critical component of the test development process.
 Take that up there and apply to day to day situations. We set standards for our friends, acquaintances. We selectively decide on who we allow on our friends' lists, even which relatives we visit or grow close to. (yes, there is such a thing as relatives we are not close to and others we don't like at all.)
Thing is, we expect people to level up and live up to the standards we have set. I'd like to think many a person asks themselves a question before they say yes to a friend request.. something like "are they the right person for the job?" Of course there is criterion that we all follow..but have you ever stopped and asked yourself if you are the right person for the job.
Instead of asking, if She is the right person for the job, ask yourself "Am I the right person for the job?"

I am running a fictitious story line about Siko, my Maid. Having a house help is one of the basic form of employer-employee setting. And maybe in my former life I was a worker bee, a house-help or simply someone who was in love with the so called lost causes but I get so unhappy when I see someone being punished or judged for their apparent shortcomings.

Alright, I'll take it a step higher, if someone on the team let's say accounting team does not know how to use a particular software- mark you- one of the latest- he is deemed incompetent. Before you do that, have you tried teaching them? Have you thought about the fact that this particular software was not on the market when they were in school? Or better still, can You, yes You Mr/Miss Judge your friends, can you use it? Or have you just heard about it?

Many times, we are inconsiderate to our employees or prospective employees, friends and other would have been additions to our lives.
Much as I am here advocating for the "Am I the right person for the Job?" phenomenon, I have many a time succumbed to that all human trait of judging others before I get to know them...

So, this my new year which kicked off today, will see me ask myself that question before I judge. However... perverts, porn vendors, outright stalkers, ex-lovers who create fake accounts and all those who assume that I am a nice person so they will take advantage of me- will remain under the judge them and cut them off before you give them a chance regime.

You could do the same thing, next time, you are about to yell at your house-help or your casual laborer, ask yourself that one question. Ask yourself if you have done everything to make this person better at their job. And besides, if this person was not there, would you do their job? Can you wake up at 5 a.m, get 5 children ready for school, get a husband and his wife ready for work, clean their house, do their laundry, make them dinner, go to bed at 1 a.m only to repeat the cycle at 5 a.m? Would you do that, Dear Woman who is claiming maids are bad people?

Do you ever take time to appreciate your casual laborer? Or do you just expect them to deliver all the time without any sort of appreciation or acknowledgement? Because many a human soul thrives on appreciation. Acknowledgement. We are vain like that. Many of us are.

So, that is if folks....but

Are you the right person for the job? Are you the Right friend? are you the Right lover? Are you the Right one?

Until then, thank you for all the birthday love i received today.

Village Girl


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