Things left un-said

My dear little lovely loving child.
Every day that goes by I can't help but love you a little bit more.

Am not a trophy mum, am no super mum
And am not even sure am doing my best at mothering you.
What I know is that the feeling I have in my chest is beyond anything the English language can describe.

Sometimes I hardly hear a thing you say, looking at you plays heavenly music in my head and heart.

I just ask myself what life would be like without you in it.
I dont want to go there, I wouldn't know what i would have missed out.
Against all odds, I had you.
Against all 'logical calls' I had you.
Against 'common sense' I had you.

and Now, I can't stop celebrating what the world called a stupid decision.
I love you Azzaria Lexi Luiga.
I hear you call yourself Jaja Luiga.

Well, Mummy comes home tired sometimes.
And am apologising for the night before last.
I missed out on quality time.
I got home, tired, hungry and stressed at the fact that I'd lost one of my phones.

My love am sorry, i put the phone before you.
I brushed you off, you wanted to sit next to me and i kept asking you to go watch TV.
You are not one to keep quiet but you resiliently silently sat by me while i called everyone to alert them.

When you slept tht night, and i lay awake thinking and planning for the next day, I felt like a failure.
All you wanted was some of my time.

I vowed to make it up to you the next night.
only to find you already asleep.
my heart crushed.
My love, i may not be good at keeping promises but I'll do  my best to listen to you
Laugh with you. fight the biyenje with you.
Answer all your questions.

Even buy you more grapes and will be patient until you stop calling them balls and graduate to Grapes.
I love you Little Plexi Lexi.

My princess, my love. My Daughter.

With love,


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