Litro Child..

This Litro boy trying out new things..
new foods
new sounds..

testing out smiles.
I love your smile son.
I love it.
I love your toothless smile. No teeth, and lots of drool...

Micah, you have brought the sun back.
Put that spring in my step.

By the way, I've been complimented on my walking...once again.
Hadn't heard that in a long long time.
And oh, yeah, Did i tell you your sisters are smitten.

Wait when Christa comes home. You will fall in love with her before she does you.
And I know she'll love you back just as much. If not more.
Micah Micah Micah,
You already know the color of your plate.
You know the color of the Potty- Grandma can't stop talking about it.

she's so proud of am I.
Your father would be proud of you too. am sure of that. He would be.

getting off here so, that we can love some more...make memories.

Loving you Son. <3


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