Mornings, are my favorite bits of the day. Take instance today, it' s a Monday. Usually I hate Monday's, but today, it was a different story, very different
For Real? I went to bed last night and woke up this morning with all plans of having a productively productive day. I mean I worked through the first ten pages of my proposed funding proposal (in my bed and in my head of course)... IKR. (very productive me) Now this morning i unfortunately bumped into my neighbor. (giggles) She had this for me. Mbu...there was a football match last night and her twitter timeline was ....(failed to rephrase her statement. The raw statement is too rough for my fragile eyes) Mbu.. the Red Boys were so on form her red people wished they would replay last night's match all the way to kingdom come. Aha! These things. Then also mbu the other gal/woman came crying to her atti The Other Guy had broken her heart! And am like, for real! For real real? She: But also you, what did she expect from that one? Hmmm! Can you imagine he does that for living, I mean break hearts. It's second nature to him. I heard also that he has like oba how many other girls ...
Sat down again with my friend: my apologies, it hurt so bad i couldn't write it yet. But here goes: The drama continues- the confusion intensifies... someone, please anyone set a match to this maze... am worried about her. she might drown- So, We get to give names as the story continues. Meet the players in this our real life drama- heartbreak galore. 1. Confused friend- Pretty smile 2. Baby Papa- Baby Papa 3. New man- SNL Pretty Smile met SNL years ago. Their's was an online meet. A random chat room and numbers and personal emails were exchanged. The conversations were carried offline- but never face to face. It wasn't until two years after the initial cyber meet that they actually met in the physical. Needless to say, they'd flirted online and the meet up was a culmination of their previous late night phone chats. They shared one but the most electrically charged kiss at a random location in the city. It was at the clock of midnight. They crossed over from one year to...
( Tone: loving, closely holding your hands and looking into your eyes) Am one woman who treasures relationships, reason, coz the power of love is one strong force amongst many that keeps my world spinning. Anyway, I always insist that a river can’t rise beyond its source just like we can’t change our past. Life is hard, and only the resilient ones survive. Precisely, that’s why am writing you this note, after a well thought out recap of our lives. (Takes an exasperated breath, then winks passionately) The sky is blue, looks so spectacular. The birds are so free; gracefully doing what they do best while am seated underneath planning my next move. Something tickles my toe, and the image of your smile, somewhat prepared to draw closer and give a deep breathtaking kiss, flashes along my memory line. I think of you, your daily encounters, and for sure there are countless things we took for granted. (Looking and sounding serious, as if engrossed in deep thought ) Did you ever ask yourself, “...
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