
Time check: 02:11hrs.
I should be asleep by all means possible. I should have slipped into slumber mode three or four hours ago but I still can't seem to get my eyes to shut.
I have indulged in all pleasures sinful tonight-acts that leave me a guilty note in the morning but get me snoring or dreaming away before the morning comes by.

 Well, with sleeplessness comes a brooding that is so annoying loud neighbors do not come close. It comes with all these louder than loud reminders of all things I have attempted and failed at in the previous months. It highlights notes, comments, recommendations, commendations and so much more that have been thrown at my person from all corners expected and unexpected.
Seemingly positive and mostly genuinely given statements that should have made me feel and act proud of my simple lost self but instead rack up fires no one would ever have the power to put out let alone look at.

Statements that make me feel more a loser than all the things that are said at and of me.

All my Almosts are proudly shining through my sleepless night this one and I can not find a single comeback for them.

I almost made a great girlfriend.
I almost run a successful business.
I was an almost real parent.
I was almost a suicide statistic...

I was almost...


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