In bits of many drafts

I woke up today with all intent to write and publish a post but somehow all that goodwill and great energy has vanished.
It's not that I have nothing to write about- I do. I have many stories to recollect, lots of memoirs I would like to store somewhere- if only to beat myself up two years after for the bad grammar.

However, after reading everyone (almost everyone) else's powerful and fact filled posts, mine seem to shrink in comparison. And no one really wants to be a failure in their own eyes- I am no exception!

Two months ago I nearly combusted in front of my teenage daughter and the head of the school she goes to. This child refused to hand in her homework because her answers differed from her peers'!
Well, Talk about the apple not falling so far from the tree, matter of fact- this apple refuses to fall from the tree. I am very sure she would feel the same way about me right now if I explained to her why I have millions of drafts and not a single completed story!

Since my story so refuses to take shape, I will share some of the latest draft pieces:

Draft 1
Foundations:I had never really understood why make-up wearing humans were crazy about the right tone of foundation until today.
See, today I officially started at my new job where I am required to be a counselor as well as a marketing officer. Coming from a few months of joblessness and uncertain mornings, I have chosen to make this work. I always had options before, many options in that I could comfortably go for months without working but the last few months have been really hard! I now know what it is like to be BROKE.
Now, my new supervisor is talking about foundations and the importance of foundations and all that I seem to hear is the number of debt collecting phone calls that will be coming through once the people I owe monies hear about this new job@ LAWD

 Dated March 7, 2016

"Relax Maureen, we have forever between us. And if forever somehow ends, we have eternity. Nothing will ever separate us"... That statement you once casually threw at me as we walked our usual long winded path to the taxi stage always saw me through many a sleepless night. That statement alone always stood out. I hardly remember the rest of the conversation from that night but I remember that line. Just like I remember the day you introduced me to a friend of yours as you Guardian Angel.
"Meet my Guardian Angel" you said. I was dumbfounded. Between you and I, we never ever told each other how much we loved each other- matter of fact, those three words never ever left either of our lips but whatever it was that was between us was felt by all around us. It was intense- I still feel it sometime.
Then you left. Or I left. We left. We lost a baby and we left........

Dated April 15, 2016.

He needed a moment"Mummy, my balloon has broken!" My 25 month old son walked into the bathroom last night with sobs so painful I forgot I was naked with soap running all over.

Let's publish this before it turns into another draft!


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