of first times and forever

A little over two years ago, I got bored with life. Not that I didn't have things to do, no. In fact I had a lot of things to do. There was a job to go to five days a week. A house hold full of humans that needed Mummy, Aunt, Cousin, Nephew, Boss for one thing or another. Matter of fact, my life was full but it was empty.

So, one idle night I purchased a data bundle and logged into or rather re-activated all my social media accounts. For most of them if not all of them, I had to go about re-setting passwords but I got onto social media anyway. Top of all was #Facebook and it had lots of drama my own life seemed like the most boring cartoon a parent can force their children to watch on a rainy afternoon.
However, midst all the drama, there was one or two people who seemed sane and they seemed like they had their wits around them. One of them was a young man called Ivan Onapito. I liked his reasoning and general outlook on a number of social issues.

One thing led to another and one evening we found ourselves sitting at a restaurant for a meal. This was the first time I was physically meeting him but e-connectivity had ensured we knew all there was to know (well, almost all) about each other. It was a nice meal, a first of many. I don't remember what I ordered but I do remember that I ate my food, finished it and ate some of his.
No, I am not a glutton and I wasn't the least bit nervous (because I do the eating thing when my nerves are acting up). Years later, he still talks about how impressed he was by my appetite.

Ivan has held my hand through a number of things (boyfriends, family feuds, sick children sessions, hormonal imbalanced phases, cat-fight sessions, financial constraints.. e.t.c) and I am ashamed to say that he still gives whenever I need. He has been and continues to be a blessing to my family and I.

Not so long ago, I threw a family member at him because I simply couldn't help her. Not only did he take her through whatever she needed, he actually followed up! I am not the mushy type- sometimes but Ivan takes Christianity to another level.
I have watched him go through school and a few other challenges and he always comes out smiling.

I am not so keen on having my picture taken however one 'date' stands out. We had a rolex date. A very random and fulfilling date it was too. Now I wish I had taken a picture.

Before I lose you, today was Ivan's nth birthday. And on the same day, they lost one of their Children. See, he works with an organization that gives hope to the hopeless.
And this morning one of their own, Dennis Ocen succumbed to tetanus. His tiny body couldn't hang in there any more. I hope his soul finds peace wherever it is and I also pray his twin brother learns how to live without his physical presence.

At the end of the day, I kind of feel shitty that I chose today to be the day I remind him about a meet up we have been planning to have for months now. Without any complaints he apologized- oh bless Ivan's soul-for not making it happen sooner and he set a date. I was just being a girl with my reminder, throwing my hormones all around and he took it in stride. Shame on me!

Dear Ivan, this note is a little longer than last year's note but I hope you have a great year ahead of you. May life get kinder to you as you grow older.

Happy birthday Ivan. May we have forever.


Ps: we still save up and buy those sweets every so often and I sometimes wonder how far #PoI and you are now... The new one. ;) Bless you.
Ivan- attempting a pout. He is obsessed with the Pout. 


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