of first times and forever

A little over two years ago, I got bored with life. Not that I didn't have things to do, no. In fact I had a lot of things to do. There was a job to go to five days a week. A house hold full of humans that needed Mummy, Aunt, Cousin, Nephew, Boss for one thing or another. Matter of fact, my life was full but it was empty. So, one idle night I purchased a data bundle and logged into or rather re-activated all my social media accounts. For most of them if not all of them, I had to go about re-setting passwords but I got onto social media anyway. Top of all was #Facebook and it had lots of drama my own life seemed like the most boring cartoon a parent can force their children to watch on a rainy afternoon. However, midst all the drama, there was one or two people who seemed sane and they seemed like they had their wits around them. One of them was a young man called Ivan Onapito . I liked his reasoning and general outlook on a number of social issues. One thing led to another and...