21 days of Me.

Today started me on a twenty one day journey where I will be the Head of a household and an entire family. No, not today- Flag off was Yesterday evening but First day on the job was today.<< scratch that

Take Two: This morning, Reality finally hit home that for the next 21 days I will have children, grand children, aunts and uncles- neighbors too on my case. "But you have always done this Momo"
Yes, I have. But not to this level, a few things were conveniently not mine to think about. I had mastered the art of looking the other way when some of the above mentioned members surfaced.

"So, what happened? How come you are in the driving seat now?" 
Well, my Partner in Action has gone a-mothering. And now, I am here. It has been three years since I slept in a house where I was the only adult.

Last evening, I flagged her off and for the first time in very many years I saw a Woman who needed me. A Woman who seeks love just like she gives it. I wished she were going away on holiday. I wished and wished because when all is said and done, she needs a holiday this Partner of mine.
am talking about my Back Up, My Dad, my Mother, Grand mother to my children, Landlord and new found friend- My Aunt. I've been so caught up in my own drama I forgot to love her.
With all that sentimentalism floating around in my heart, I was sure I would handle this.

Sya! all I have to do is place a call to the Jajja's every so often. Yell at the kids and threaten them with no cake when Jajja comes back, Get Didi out of bed for his morning bath, threaten the maid and all would be done
Ha Ha Ha

That was last night. This morning however, it was a different story. First thought that crossed my mind was the Utility bills I'd put off paying until next month! Then it hit me that in the event these guys came round before next month did, we would be disconnected as there would be no one to place that emergency call! Out came the phone and Glory glory, Mobile money was working! Boof! there went the Ka contribution towards getting my passport back!

By the Time 6 a.m came by, I was mentally tired.

Children were ready for school, Didi was bathed, Micah had gotten his medicine and instructions had been issued, Other babies were bathed, dressed and put back to bed. Dinner was planned.
More instructions issued out. 6:50 a.m! and I was not yet dressed. #sigh
Well, I got ready for work by 7:00 A.m and managed half a biscuit- Handed the other half to Didi!
Wait, it's 17:30 and all I've had today was that half biscuit!!

All in all, the day has been today. It's gone by. It's a wonder I managed to the best presentation at an office meeting this afternoon. When all I was thinking about was my other little girl who is out of school yet her exam is in a month's time.
And oh! I still think about adopting another child. Yes, I am going to have another baby.
Overwhelmed! Yes I am, but I have space for one more. Even many more.

Day two will be a bit better. I hope it is better.
As I head home, I think about the un-done, un-resolved emotionally draining relationships that still hang in balance. And that call to the Jajjas.

But, if we live through tonight, we'll do this again tomorrow.
Goodnight Mauryn.

PS: When was the last time you did something for someone else? 
When was the last time you went out of your way to make another's life easier? 
When did you last donate blood? When did you last share your meal? 


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