Ticklish Thursday

Thursday is here... Last day of my work week!! Yay!! and some more Yay
Came to work this morning with a smile on my face- not just a smile but I was laughing.. like something was really tickling me non-stop. Must have been a sight now that am hungry and I think about it.

I looked up the word ticklish and found a new meaning of it that i didnt know before...
tick·lish :  ˈtik(ə)liSH/ (adjective.)
(of a situation or problem) difficult to deal with; requiring careful handling.
"her skill in evading ticklish questions"

synonyms: difficult, problematic, tricky, touchy, delicate, sensitive, tender, awkward, prickly, thorny, tough; 

Whereas i thought last evening's escapades were still running uninhibited in my small mind, i learnt that ticklish could also mean that up there. And now that I think about it, last night was ticklish..
From the bed posts kicking my toes.. as in toes on both legs... 

While picking out my clothes for today, i stepped on the wrong end of a heeled shoe.. wonder why the shoe was there in the first place. I hopped around until that stopped smarting so much.. then i turn off the lights and the bed kicks me!!! Twice at that!! 

Like Seriously? As if it was not enough that my side of the bed had been hijacked by these resident guests!! They need to get out of  my bed already!! The fevers left long ago. Ok, I should be the one throwing them out. I dont feel ready to that just yet. They sleep so well... infact we've had dry bed since they moved into my bed :). (Lexi used to wet her bed)

So, earlier on that evening... I was blown away by a guy in the taxi  i rode home. I painstakingly created my playlist for that taxi ride and just as i'd stuck the ear pieces in the ears this guy comes and falls right beside me and asks if am holding a black berry!! Really? Was that his best line? being the talker that I am and considering that I was riding high... I humored him.. Dude failed me totally. I eventually put my battered One Touch 585F Alcatel back in my bag and had a conversation with this guy. Went from "i don't remember your name" (I know i had not told him my name)- to how his sister has his car and she killed the belt- Dude- I dont own a car... hello.. am in a  taxi at 10:30 p.m!!... to... Can I have your number?" The Guts?????

Oh well, when he asked for my number i was tempted to quote The Weeknd in his remix for Beyonce's Drunk in love.. The Weekend goes like 
Don't take my number, I don't want your number, I'll call you back if that  &*%$#^"
That Weeknd Guy gets explicit also.. but I love him so.

Disclaimer: If you really love me and think me a good girl, please don't google The Weeknd. Please do not                     listen to anything from him. I value my position in your heart and mind.

But, I was a nice girl to this Taxi guy and asked for his number.. and promised to call him. One day.. when I officially become an Aunt or Grandmother- I will call him.. But.. I liked his guts. I wish i were that brave.

Now... Ticklish....I was summoned and it was ticklish. Still is ticklish...
When I deal with it. When I stop smiling and worrying about it all in the same micro second- believe you me I will write about it.

For now, It's the weekend baby!!

PS: Keep your eyes on the prize, Make money ghetto youth stay alive
#NP Keep your eyes on the prize~Bascom X


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