"let go Mauryn". "Its ok"
"You'll be fine".
Thanks fans, I know y'all mean well.
"I love you Moryn, more than I love her"
"Am confused, i feel like am cheating on you"
"Mauryn, I miss you, and my family"
"I want my family back".....
And on you went Ram. but all I was hearing was ...."you aint good enough".
"You aint rich can't buy me a movie ticket"
"She's richer, wears high heels, well studied....moryn, you can't measure up".
Ram, 6 years, 3 kids, we prayed for a boy child and God gave us one. And the best thanks we give God is a broken family!
How grateful humans can be!
I won't lie about my state of things. Am hurting. Hurting. Hurting.
What I dont understand is why you have to let me know. Show me. Even id i dont ask.
People who usually do this, have pity on the afflicted party and spare them the details.
Would you reallu love someone if you didn't care if they got hurt.
I need to cry this out.
Wait i've been crying all this time. Just can't seem to cry it all out. This time round, not even talking is taking the pain away. Lord knows i've talked.
Imma pray, pray n pray.
Lord this hurts.
Dear Daddy,
this is ya little girl, Maureen.
Remember when you told me you'll always be here? When you said, no one will hurt me?
Daddy, Ram broke my heart.
Village Girl
(Mother, Friend, Neighbor)


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