Failure. A word that describes a certain event that’s been haunting us from before we even invented words. But besides fearing failure, we’re also terrified of our inability to overcome it. We are terrified that we might not rise after a fall, we’re terrified that the world won’t be the same. Guess what? The sun will rise again the following day, and given enough time, we’ll be okay. Early on, we build ourselves a certain reality. Our reality; a certain micro-universe – the soul’s version of a personal space. And, even though most times we don’t realize it, we are the ones who give other people or certain events any power over us. We allow someone to make us feel in a certain way, or for their words to hurt us. We alone are responsible for allowing the prospect of failure to terrify us so damn much. I’ve felt this time and time again. I’ve felt that I was headed for a dead end… at top speed. I’ve felt that the road might never end, that I might never reach my destination. I was af...