Ramblings of Me
Blank Stare? Seriously? After tossing and turning the whole night and having quite lots to say last evening! Wow. You surely have done a number on me. I can't believe the blubber mouth in me insists on staying in the background. Turned a new year yesterday and with it am hoping i turned i new leaf. This time for real. Been saying this over and over and over and yet i keep going back to the same old things. Unresolved arguments, silent treatments, three weeks of no communication and then just when my wounds seem to be healing you show up. and the cycle starts all over again. Well, this year I plan and I want things to be very different. " Juliet has left the Balcony " This Romeo and Juliet thing has come to an end. I didnt know i had it in me to put an end to it. But I do. and am taking that power and using it. I know what it feels like to be in a normal relationship. I had that for 5 months before you came in with your grand plans. You painted a picture so clear and so bi...